Cooking a 3 pound standing rib
On Jan 10, 3:01*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> dsi1 > wrote:
> > It's most important to have an accurate meat thermometer. It is also
> > important to remember to take it out about 8 degrees before your
> > desired final temperature. The internal temperature of the roast will
> > continue to rise after you remove it from the oven. OTOH, with a 3 lb
> > roast, the "heat soak" effect might be less - 5 degrees? Anyway,
> > you'll soon find out. Good luck!
> That is completely dependant on the size of the meat and the temp at
> which you roast it. *A roast taken out of a 275F degrees oven will
> not rise in temp more than two degrees, 1 if it's 3lbs or less.
> -sw
I think that you are right about this. Too be honest, I have not heard
of cooking a roast at 200 or 275 but it makes a lot of sense to do
this to reduce that temperature increase after removing it out of the
oven. On my next roast, I'll split the difference and set the oven at