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PLucas PLucas is offline
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Posts: 39
Default Cooking a 3 pound standing rib

dsi1 > wrote in news:af7aae15-4f9e-4b7d-8cdb-

> I'm not a real big fan of Spam - it's healthier that way. The funny
> tastes of the folks here is partly because of the relative isolation
> and because the canned product was more available after WWII.

What are your beef prices like (in wherever you buy your meat) as
compared to mainland USA?

> We also
> prefer the fake soy sauce to the real stuff. Aloha shoyu is the most
> popular brand.

How do you get a fake soy sauce?

It's made of soy beans, isn't it?

I just had a look at their website and watched the TV commercial!!!

Peter Lucas

Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are.

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin