In article >, says...
>Agenda for a New America
>Part One
>The Politics of Vegetarianism
>By Vasu Murti
>Chapter 12 - Historical Comparisons
>According to Howard Lyman, former Senior lobbyist for the National
>Farmers Union, "Family farmers are victims of public policy that gives
>preference to feeding animals over feeding people. This has encouraged
>the cheap grain policy of this nation and has made the beef cartel the
>biggest hog at the trough."
Hey, if you don't want to eat meat,
that's fine. More for me. But this
kind of argument smacks of the same
thing the stoners use to legitimize
hemp production, when what they really
want to do is get ****ed up. Fine.
I don't have a problem with that,
either. You don't want to have to
kill and eat something because it
makes you feel uncomfortable. I
don't have that concern, and you
won't persuade me with a tangiential
argument like this. Just like all
those Bible thumpers who try to prove
to me that Jesus was a real person and
not just a fictional construct. I
don't give a shit. I don't like Jesus's
philosophy and I could care less whether
he was "real" or not. Just admit it's
your personal philosophy and don't try
to dress it up with a lot of facts and
figures that supposedly justify it.
You don't have to justify yourself to
me, because there comes a point where
the it all boils down to what we
individually believe or feel. I don't
have a problem with that. Just admit
it so we can all get out of church and
go home and get a hamburger.