In article > ,
PLucas > wrote:
> Omelet > wrote in
> news
> > In article >,
> > notbob > wrote:
> >
> >> Mom's in the hospital, I'm stuck with the dog. Not a bad dog,
> >> overall, jes got dog breath that would etch glass. Any suggestions
> >> on how to turn it?
> >>
> >> nb
> >
> > Take him to the vet.
> >
> > If his breath is that bad, he probably needs a dental done...
> We have these things over here called "DentaBones", cleans their teeth and
> freshens their breath.
I can get those locally too, but they are no substitute for a good teeth
cleaning if they've been neglected long enough. The tartar buildup can
get really bad.
I give my dogs chews on a regular basis to try to prevent the need.
But they still need it once in awhile, as do the cats...
Ka, our sealpoint siamese (cat), almost died due to bad teeth. I
managed to fatten him up enough to survive a dental. He lost a few
teeth at the vets, but now he's thriving. Looking better than he has in
months. Thank the gods for Hills A&D.
And he's really old. :-) Around 16, but siamese tend to live a long
time. Our oldest sealpoint passed at 19 1/2 a couple of years ago.
Peace! Om
"Any ship can be a minesweepter. Once." -- Anonymous