Fighting Terror with BBQ - For REAL!!!
On 04 Mar 2004 17:15:26 GMT, in message
(CafeMojo) wrote
>Yes, it would appear you can fight muslims just as well with a rack of
>spareribs as you can with an AK-47. Can you say "Ya want slaw on yours?"
>"The prohibition of raising the pig is known," said Rabbi Daniel Shilo of
>Kedumim, who serves as chairman of the rabbinical committee of the Yesha
>Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. "But
>because we are dealing with pikuach nefesh, the saving of lives, it is
>permissible to have the animal."
We have got to put a stop to this madness! If the Jewish regligious
leaders decide it's ok to use pigs to fight terrorists, then the
Muslim religious leaders are going to decide it's ok to touch pigs
before dying. And once they get used to using pigs and touching pigs,
how long do you think it's going to take before they decide maybe it's
ok to start eating pigs??? NOT LONG. And once they start eating
pigs, we're gonna have 6,000+ years of pent-up bbq denial to deal
with. And what's that going to do to the price of pigs????
Now is the time to nip this pig escalation in the bud! Write your
congress critters and demand they include a porcine non-proliferation
clause in any Mid-East peace process.