Grits to water?
It's been too long since I last had grits with jalapeno and
cheese. I want to make some; but I can't find where I wrote down the
proportion I worked out, how much grits to how much water.
I'm talking real grits, of course. No "minute-grits," "EZgrits,"
nor other culinary abomination need apply.
I want them stiff; stiff enough to make peaks, even after I add
the butter & pepper to them at the table -- but not so stiff I have
trouble stirring the butter well into them.
I seem faintly to recall settling on something like 2 1/2 to 1,
water to grits. Does that make sense?
Beartooth Implacable, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
What do they know of country, who only country know?