In article >,
ChattyCathy > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > ChattyCathy > wrote:
> >
> >> FWIW, I love shrimp with a passion, but IMHO, they must also be about
> >> 9/10 on the ugly scale before being cleaned/de-shelled. Oh, and squid
> >> too... ;-)
> >
> Lovely pics - as usual
You have permission to use any that you need as always. <g>
> <snipped>
> > Watch a video tho' sometime of live shrimp swimming. They are as
> > graceful as jellyfish imho...
> I was talking about when they're dead and looking all f-ugly at the
> fishmongers still wearing their shells/legs/eyes before being stripped
> nekkid and made to look all pretty ;-)
Ah, ok!
I guess I just never let original appearance bother me...
They are how the goddess made them? <g>
But, I was raised early on to prepare meat from the live state. An early
memory I have is dad teaching me to kill and skin domestic bunnies and
giving me anatomy lessons. He showed me what a healthy rabbit liver
looked like and told me if the liver looked ugly (spotted or whatever)
to discard the rabbit. Eating diseased meat is bad.
He also showed me what to look for in wild rabbits when he occasionally
shot one that had tularemia. You don't want to eat those.
Prepping any meat from the raw state is just a way of life. :-)
I've even dressed out deer and squirrel, as well as rabbits, ducks and
turkeys. And emu and rattlesnake.
And fish, shrimp and squids of course...
Peace! Om
"Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous