Product quality and pricing (Tuna)
Omelet wrote:
> When I opened it, the damned thing is 1/2 liquid! It never used to be
> that way. :-( As far as I remember, the oz. per can on the label is the
> same.
I quit buying the cans years ago for the same reason. I only purchase
the packages that are vacuum sealed now. Costs more, yeah. But there is
more fish and no filler. Plus, the quality of the product seems (and
tastes) better. I must add though that since we have access to fresh
fish day in and day out, I don't buy packaged tuna nearly as much as I
did in landlocked Oklahoma.
With the price of quality canned cat food, you might as well give the
kitties your canned tuna! They'll love ya for it! ;-)