ChattyCathy wrote:
> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>> Some folks are really good at detail and take really good pics. The
>> folks on abf post some really good shots on that ng. Some here take
>> really nice
>> shots too. A couple of people have put instructional stuff on their
>> websites which are awesome. Barb Schaller, koko, Chris Dabney to name
>> the ones that come to mind immediately. All their pics are nice.
> I agree completely - but I would add a few others off the top of my head
> i.e. modom, Serene (wonder where she is, BTW), saerah, nexis (a.k.a.
> kimberly) Steve Wertz, the 'real' PeterL and of course, Omelet too. Blinky
> is a professional photographer (and his pics are always outstanding) so I
> won't mention his name ;-)
Again: I am not a professional photographer, although I appreciate the
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