"The Office" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> www.factoryfarming.com says...
> >
> >Agenda for a New America
> >Part One
> >The Politics of Vegetarianism
> >By Vasu Murti
> >Chapter 12 - Historical Comparisons
> >
> >According to Howard Lyman, former Senior lobbyist for the National
> >Farmers Union, "Family farmers are victims of public policy that gives
> >preference to feeding animals over feeding people. This has encouraged
> >the cheap grain policy of this nation and has made the beef cartel the
> >biggest hog at the trough."
> Hey, if you don't want to eat meat,
> that's fine. More for me. But this
> kind of argument smacks of the same
> thing the stoners use to legitimize
> hemp production, when what they really
> want to do is get ****ed up. Fine.
> I don't have a problem with that,
> either. You don't want to have to
> kill and eat something because it
> makes you feel uncomfortable. I
> don't have that concern, and you
> won't persuade me with a tangiential
> argument like this. Just like all
> those Bible thumpers who try to prove
> to me that Jesus was a real person and
> not just a fictional construct. I
> don't give a shit. I don't like Jesus's
> philosophy and I could care less whether
> he was "real" or not. Just admit it's
> your personal philosophy and don't try
> to dress it up with a lot of facts and
> figures that supposedly justify it.
> You don't have to justify yourself to
> me, because there comes a point where
> the it all boils down to what we
> individually believe or feel. I don't
> have a problem with that. Just admit
> it so we can all get out of church and
> go home and get a hamburger.
Absolutely. Besides, humans were designed to be able to eat just about
anything. We are at the top of the food chain. Why fly in the face of
nature's design?