Need REC ideas
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:27:23 -0700, Michelle Steiner wrote:
> In article >,
> "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> I have a blender, I have a food processor ... and I'll never use
>> those for pureeing batches of soup again. Even if I enjoyed that
>> activity and the mess involved, it couldn't be easier to clean the
>> stick blender, and no other containers are messed up, either.
> How much soup can a stick blender puree at one time? It might be worth
> getting one for my cream of asparagus soup.
> And what brands and models of stick blenders do you recommend?
the post had a run-down a few months ago. i have the one pictured on this
it's not in constant use, but it seems to do the job, and the price is
right, at about twenty dollars. i did have to get mine by mail from the
hamilton beach people because no store seemed to have it in stock, but
shipping was maybe five bucks additional.
your pal,