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Becca[_3_] Becca[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 547
Default Just did it

l, not -l wrote:

> While I agree with Om; the "facts" are constantly changing on what is and
> isn't good for you. If I were very concerned about the fat in red meat
> being detrimental to my health, I would switch to grass-fed beef which has
> substantially less fat than most mass-marketed beef.
> If I were to grow even more concerned, I would substitute TSP/TVP (textured
> soy/vegetable protein); it provides the protein and texture of beef without
> the fat. In a highly seasoned dish like chili, you'll find TSP at its best
> because the chile is the star ingredient. Obviously, the TSP chili will not
> taste the same as with beef; but, it will be very good and without any
> possible red meat issue.

You are right, chili made with TVP is pretty good.
