Product quality and pricing (Tuna)
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sun 11 Jan 2009 05:29:26p, Jean B. told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> The only canned tuna I can buy that I find fit to eat is solid-pack
>>> white or solid-pack albacore. I don't mind it packed in water, but
>>> prefer it packed in olive oil.
>>> AAMF, even before the the decline of tuna quality, we never bought
>>> anything but solid-pack. Now, even some brands of solid-pack aren't
>>> fit to eat.
>> I agree. :-(
> Sometime last year David picked up a can of chunk tuna for my by mistake.
> Rather than going through the hassle of taking it back, I decided to open
> it to make some tuna salad. It was nothing more than fishy smelling sludge
> that went right into the trash. UGH!
Oh no! Seeing how bad the solid tuna frequently is now, I can
only imagine the other. Too bad it isn't great for cats.
Jean B.