Thread: [OT] Dog breath
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default [OT] Dog breath

In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:

> Omelet > newsmpomelet-73F9C6.09085812012009
> in
> > In article >,
> > Kathleen > wrote:
> >
> >> So I shut the door, sat back down on the couch and un-paused the movie
> >> I'd been watching. I was just settling in and WHANG!! Ow! My shin!
> >> WTF?! And there's Scully, grinning up at me, obviously pleased with
> >> herself. Little Miss Clever had put the boys outside, gone and gotten
> >> her dish and flung it at me to let me know it was time to work.

> >
> > Bored stimulated dogs are never a good thing. <g>

> So true. Missy was a border collie mix. She was a handful when she was
> young. She was a chewing machine. We had to euthanize her in October.
> She was 19. She *loved* to try to herd the cats. It was her job. Of
> course the cats would have none of it but it kept Missy busy. She was
> destructive when she was bored. The thing she like most was being in the
> garden with me. She even learned how to fetch my gloves for me. I really
> miss her. She was part of my life for almost 2 decades.

Very cool. :-) Jewely stays occupied fence chasing cars all day. Since
she is inside of the fence line (we taught her to not try to jump UP the
fence by putting up an electric wire for awhile)) it's safe.
> We have no plans on getting another dog. Especially right now with all
> the mess in the house. 4 cats are more than enough. But I really miss
> not having a dog. Seems like part of me is missing.

As much as I love my cats, a dog satisfies a need. :-)

> Boxers are my favorite breed. They need so much exercise though I'm
> afraid I would not be able to spend the time needed to do right by a
> boxer.
> Michael

So look at a different breed? There are dog breeds for every

Do consider rescuing an adult tho'. Most people want puppies and they
are a LOT of work. Toooo many discarded adults are destroyed every year.
Peace! Om

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