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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Posts: 428
Default OT Winter fun with dogs

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Kathleen > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> BC's are not good apt. or condo dogs. :-( Not at all. Jewels was at the
>>> shelter for quite awhile and was a week away from being put down. She
>>> was about 8 months old when we adopted her.
>>> She came into heat a week later. :-P I did not want to mess with that
>>> so just paid the vet to board her until her spay date.

>> Scully is clean as a cat and kept herself so tidy that I might have
>> missed her first heat if I hadn't gotten an e-mail from a gal who owned
>> one of her litter sisters, saying that Sassy had come into season. So I
>> checked and, yup, sure enough...

> Their vulva is generally swollen.
> Jewely left drops of blood in the hallway.
>>> Last time I had a dog come into heat prior to spaying, a neighborhood
>>> stray dug into the yard, bred Misty, peed all over her and the front
>>> porch! It was a royal mess.
>>> I had her spayed anyway and aborted the litter.

>> Yup. Sad, but not as sad as a litter of puppies sitting on death row in
>> a shelter.

> True, but Misty was spayed as soon as her heat was up so the litter was
> not really even developing yet. I did the same with Samantha the cat.
> She got loose when she came into heat the first time and finally came
> home reeking of tomcat. Little slut. <g>
> I'm a big proponent of spay/neuter. The number of cats and dogs put to
> sleep every year due to overpopulation numbers in the millions. It's a
> travesty.
>> The third Thursday of the month a local clinic hosts a Feral Sterile and
>> does assembly line spay and neuters on strays and low income pets.
>> Biology teachers can request specimens from pregnant spays for use in
>> the classroom.

> I've seen the bodies of adult cats in the comparative anatomy classes
> when I was in college.
> I could NEVER dissect a cat. I just could not do that. :-(
> Baby pigs maybe...

Nope, no animal dissections of any kind for me; frogs in high school was
bad enough. I was *not* destined to be a biologist!