So I made Cab Sauv and Sangiovese this year. I rean out of space in
my fermenters so I also had made a blend of the 2. I think it was 40%,
60% respectively. Anyhow, the blend is worse than both varietals on
their own and I can't figure out why. It is lighter, like a second
press wine and lacks body and character. It is not sweet - FWIW. i
reduced the alcohol content with some water and balanced the acid of
all the musts. Brix readings were taken and temps were taken.
Everything that happened with the blend was also true for each signle
varietal fermenter. The only thing that was different was the volume.
Fortunately, i only have 5 gallons of this stuff. Mind you, it is
drinkable, it is just not something I'd bring to a friend and claim as
my own

. Any thoughts on this?