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Janet Bostwick[_2_] Janet Bostwick[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,061
Default OT kinda, My new Aero Garden

flitterbit wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> In article > ,
>>>> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
>>>> snip>> I can't wait to hear your progress reports. Especially
>>>> time from
>>>>> seeding to harvest and then length of useable harvest. IMO the
>>>>> unit is best suited to herbs (best return on money) and lettuce.
>>>>> Janet
>>>> I'm thinking about one for lettuce and spinach. :-)
>>>> Wonder how it'd do with chard?
>>>> Now that I've had the house rock skirted tho', I'm considering
>>>> building a low garden bed out front (South side) to keep some swiss
>>>> chard going in a raised bed. I can build it against the rock
>>>> facing without having to worry about termites.
>>>> --
>>>> Peace! Om
>>> I can't grow chard or beets anymore. . .they get little squigglies
>>> in the leaves. I don't know what that is. It doesn't seem to
>>> matter where I plant them. ????
>>> Janet

>> Sounds like slugs? Try some flat pans of beer.

> I have the same problem with chard as Janet does, and it only started
> up a few years ago. It's not slugs as far as I'm aware; these aren't
> slime trails, and there's no evidence of slugs anywhere else in my
> vegetable garden, which is in a series of 12-inch-tall Trex-framed
> raised beds, and I rotate my crops on a 4-year cycle so there
> shouldn't be any pest buildup in the soil.
> Rather, the marks look like the result of larvae burrowing through the
> leaves, but I've yet to see *any* insect of any kind anywhere around
> my chard, so have no idea what pest I might be dealing with.

Agreed, that's exactly what I am talking about -- a kind of burrowing
through the leaves.