Sqwertz wrote:
> Nonnymus wrote:
>> A friend sent me a .pdf file that has quite a few recipes from well
>> known eateries like Outback, Popeye's. It's surprising how straight
>> forward many of the things I enjoy are when it comes to seasoning and
>> cooking them.
> Kinda suspicious timing considering I just posted a link to my page to
> RFC yesterday morning - containing that same PDF file.
> http://sqwertzme.googlepages.com/home
> And don't forget Nick's (and Jun's and Komal's) book of Thai Recipes:
> http://sqwertzme.googlepages.com/thaifood
> -sw
Sorry, Steve. I didn't mean to step on your glory. I confess to not
always reading or researching everything posted in this newsgroup before
saying something. Thank goodness I didn't give a URL to the file. My
information came from a cousin in MO. Perhaps she read your
announcement and went around you. I'll do my research next time. Sorry.
Some people are like a Slinky: not really
good for anything, but you still can't help
but smile when you shove them down the stairs.