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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default OT kinda, My new Aero Garden

Lass Chance_2 wrote:

> I wanted one, too, but way too pricey for me.
> So, for about 40 bucks, I got a flourescent-tube grow and aquarium light
> about four feet long at Lowe's. It has two tubes. I had plenty of pots
> and soil...ordered the seeds from an online seed company for 2 bucks per
> pack.
> Which is all fine and good...but, starting herbs from seed takes a
> longish time....and unless I get them started in the summer, I still
> wont have herbs in the winter! By the time seeds planted now are ready
> to use, it will be Spring and already-grown sets will be available in
> nurseries.
> Still, around July 1, next summer, start your seeds and have herbs in
> October. Depending on how much you use, you may want to start MORE in
> October to be ready in Jan.
> The other problem Ive had is, I keep my thermostat set pretty low,
> around 68. Sadly, plants can tell when it's not "summer" and dont want
> to get big, even when they get light, if the soil is not 72 or higher.
> In fact, most seeds wont even germinate below 70 degrees of soil temp.
> If I set my furnace at 72 to keep my herbs happy, plus the cost of
> running the light 14 hours a day, my herbs get way too pricey.
> So,all things considered, what Ive learned is, you really just cant
> effectively grow herbs in the winter, indoors, cost-effectively.
> Maybe the AERO uses a light that also provides heat? The flourescents
> dont. Bummer. Now, I could get a seed starter warming pad (kind of
> like a heating pad, but water-proof) but again, that's more electricity
> to pay for. For me, it really hasnt been worth it.
> I wish you better luck. Let us know how you do---

Hmm. Don't know what your living arrangements are like but if I was
going to start from scratch I might build a light fixture and plant
shelf high up on the wall in the bathroom, where the plants could take
advantage of the warmth and humidity from the shower, and I could take
advantage of the extra lighting for putting my make-up on.

But both of our bathrooms see heavy daily use. It might not be
worthwhile in a single person household.