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Lass Chance_2 Lass Chance_2 is offline
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Posts: 275
Default OT kinda, My new Aero Garden

"Yuuup! Herb likes a locked door. Lining the closet with aluminum foil
(shiny side in) is recommended by some. As long as temperature and
humidity do not exceed that of a tropical rainforest in Thailand, you
should be okay." Mark Thompson

LOL! Different kind of HERB!

But yes, that will do it. Paint the inside of the closet bright white
works just as well.
A couple years back, I had a nice little sustem in my unused downstairs
closet....had two shelves, each five feet long, suspended on chains from
the clothes rod....had one blue spectrum and one red spectrum lightbulb,
each in a reflector, each 60 watts, plus a four foot flourescent, a
small oscilating fan, all on a timer.

I produced 10 nice White Widows,. Sadly, six were males. But, the four
females got about 14" tall and pretty bushy, giving mee almost an ounce
of the best pot on the planet.

IF I had been thinking, I would have kept one of the males and bred it
to one of the females....and produced thousands of FREE seeds. But I
went stupid and didnt think to do that....resulting in the need to BUY
10 more 10 bucks per seed, for crying out loud.

sigh...we live and we learn.
