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Debbie[_1_] Debbie[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 339
Default OT kinda, My new Aero Garden

"Lass Chance_2" > wrote in message
> Debby
> I doubt very much that cherry (or any other kind) tomatoes will do well.
> Tomatoes love heat and intense light---way more than you can produce
> indoors. Plus, they spread and take up quite a bit of room, even when
> you stake them.
> You CAN, however, grow Romaine pretty well in a plastic "tub" with holes
> drilled in the bottom for drainage.,,,IF the soil is above 70 degrees.
> The question is, how long do you want to wait for enough Romaine to grow
> to make maybe four salads? When Romaine is easily available in the
> grocery store, year round?
> There are certain cold-loving plants, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale,
> spinach, etc. called "cole crops" that enjoy soil temps of 69 degrees,
> but again, these require some space.

Perhaps.. that is why I wait for a report. They do look interesting on the
website.. but then again, any website worth an ounce of salt that is trying
to sell something will make their product look interesting!
