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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Default OT kinda, My new Aero Garden

Omelet > wrote in

>> Nahhhh, not a cat hater per se...... just a dog person :-)

> Ok. I have and enjoy both. Pet bird too.

So long as the bird isn't called Tweety and the cat Sylvester :-)

>> Plus, I'm not a huge fan of animal hair all over the house. My pooch
>> is an outdoor dog, always has been.

> Ok, I can empathize with THAT emotion.

White/grey coloured hair is not a good look all over a dark

My best mate has/had two Golden Retrievers that were allowed the run of
the house.

After a couple of days, it looked like it had snowed inside her house!!

She'd then madly clean it al up, and it's start all over again.

Even my pooch is a monumental hair dropper!! And she's a short-hair!!

Every time I clean up around her bedding area, it's like scraping a
mini-pooch together with all her left behind fur!!

>> My best mate is a ruff 'n tumble ex driller (oil fields, gas fields,
>> all over the world). He has a cat, and most recently, a new puppy.
>> Trouble is, the cat thinks it's a dog.

> We used to have a cat that fetched...

This one sniffs dogs bums, loves being ruff 'n tumbled........ and
*every* time I go there comes straight over to me and jumps up on my
lap. Doesn't do it to anyone else, just me!!

Peter Lucas

You will travel through the valley of rejection;
you will reside in the land of morning mists...and you will find your
though it will not be where you left it.