In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Omelet >
> news
> >
> > Do consider rescuing an adult tho'. Most people want puppies and they
> > are a LOT of work. Toooo many discarded adults are destroyed every
> > year.
> The next dog will definitely be an adult dog. Puppies are cute but most
> seem to find homes. Adult dogs don't. I almost took home a 5 year old
> Golden from a rescue group yesterday. My excuse was to just foster it
> until a permanent home could be found (yeah... like once her paws hit my
> front door I'd give her away... NOT
but an elderly couple had fallen in
> love with her first and decided to adopt her. The rescue lady has my name
> and number if the adoption doesn't work out for the elderly people. She is
> a great dog and not huge like some of the Goldens get.
> Michael
Good luck! :-)
Our current 3 were adopted as adults.
A lot less hassle, easier to train and adapt and bond just as well as
any puppy IME.
Peace! Om
"Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous