OT Winter fun with dogs
Omelet wrote:
>> Friends on mine had a runted female Great Dane. She was normally a very
>> well behaved dog, but she was a slut. Every time she was in heat she
>> managed to sneak out of the house and have a tryst that ended up with a
>> litter of big puppies. They didn't want to have her spayed but ended up
>> doing it.
> IMHO unless you are an actual breeder, it's irresponsible not to
> spay/neuter. The cost of the surgery will more than be made up for if
> you have to raise a litter.
I was planning to breed my Bouvier. She was champion stock.
Unfortunately, she had some skin problems that the vet we were using at
the time diagnosed as a hormone problem and recommended spaying. The
*******. The problem continued. A more competent vet determined that it
was a flew allergy.