Mashed potatoes - peeled or not before boiling?
James Silverton wrote:
> Andy wrote on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 19:40:35 +0000 (UTC):
>>> But I do like the skins on baked russets. That's my favorite
>>> part of the potato. But when baked the skins get crispy and
>>> thus not objectionable texture-wise.
>> I hate potato skins! Growing up if we had baked potatoes, we
>> weren't allowed to leave the table until we ate our potato
>> skins. I always thought we were being forced to eat dirt! Mom
>> didn't like food going into the trash. A hand- me-down thing
>> from Depression days.
>> As soon as I left home, never another potato skin.
>> Probably why I don't like leftovers much. What an epiphany!?!
> Again, we're getting into personal tastes and considering how best to
> make mashed potatoes :-) I think the best mashed are made from baked
> Idaho potatoes and, of course, the potatoes are baked in their skins.
Do you then mash the whole potato, skin and all, or do you scoop
out the centers and mash and save the skins to eat separately?
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?