Mashed potatoes - peeled or not before boiling?
Kate wrote on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:07:05 -0500:
> James Silverton wrote:
>> Andy wrote on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 19:40:35 +0000 (UTC):
>>>> But I do like the skins on baked russets. That's my
>>>> favorite part of the potato. But when baked the skins get crispy
>>>> and thus not objectionable texture-wise.
>>> I hate potato skins! Growing up if we had baked potatoes, we
>>> weren't allowed to leave the table until we ate our potato
>>> skins. I always thought we were being forced to eat dirt!
>>> Mom didn't like food going into the trash. A hand- me-down
>>> thing from Depression days.
>>> As soon as I left home, never another potato skin.
>>> Probably why I don't like leftovers much. What an
>>> epiphany!?!
>> Again, we're getting into personal tastes and considering how
>> best to make mashed potatoes :-) I think the best mashed are made
>> from baked Idaho potatoes and, of course, the potatoes
>> are baked in their skins.
> Do you then mash the whole potato, skin and all, or do you
> scoop out the centers and mash and save the skins to eat
> separately?
I scoop it out and save the skins as you suggest. I may bake the skins a
bit more before I eat them.
To respond to some earlier comments, I don't like skin in mashed
potatoes, however they are cooked, but I don't mind it in potato salad.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: