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Lynn from Fargo Lynn from Fargo is offline
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Posts: 932
Default OT ping Barb et al

On Jan 14, 11:57*am, "Dimitri" > wrote:
> Holy Blowing Snow Batman;
> Stay warm and safe.
> Sounds like a good time to hibernate.
> Dimitri

Current Conditions at Fargo ND

2009.01.14 1853 UTC
Wind from the NW (320 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 KT)
Visibility 10 mile(s)
Sky conditions clear
Temperature -14.1 F (-25.6 C)
Windchill -31 F (-35 C)
Dew Point -23.1 F (-30.6 C)
Relative Humidity 62%
Pressure (altimeter) 30.61 in. Hg (1036 hPa)

Don't let Barb fool ya! She's right about the clothing and it does
keep the riff raff out. But that 100 feet from the front door to the
bus stop is a killer even if you're dressed like Nanook of the North!
Your nose hairs freeze and if your teeth are sensitive to the cold you
don't dare open your mouth. I walked to the clinic (4 blocks)
yesterday (wind chill -20) and damn near died!
Lynn in Fargo
(remember the movie?)
Barb, good for the Carnival! Take pitchers!