OT ping Barb et al
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
> > Holy Blowing Snow Batman;
> >
> > Stay warm and safe.
> >
> > Sounds like a good time to hibernate.
> >
> > Dimitri
> Oh, pishtosh!! It's gorgeous -- clear blue sky and bright sun. There's
> no bad weather, only bad clothing choices. It's to be near -20 in the
> morning. We promote our bad weather < it helps keep out the riff-raff.
> '-) Been a long time since we've had snow piled this high at the sides
> of the driveway, though. St. Paul Winter Carnival starts next week.
Last night about midnight I was coming home. Although cold, the air was
perfectly still and the most recent snow had covered everything with a
frosty beauty. I looked up and a gauzy moon could be soon...everything was
just beautiful. It was totally *quiet*, too, something that is welcome in
this noisy Chicago neighborhood...
There have been times on such winter nights when I've gone out to Belmont
Harbor here to watch a full moon rise above frozen Lake Michigan, that's
Winter ain't for sissies but it sure can be loverly at times...
I like the change of the seasons, it makes life "interesting"...