OT ping Barb et al
Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> On Jan 14, 11:57 am, "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> Holy Blowing Snow Batman;
>> Stay warm and safe.
>> Sounds like a good time to hibernate.
>> Dimitri
> ===========================================
> Current Conditions at Fargo ND
> 2009.01.14 1853 UTC
> Wind from the NW (320 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 KT)
> Visibility 10 mile(s)
> Sky conditions clear
> Temperature -14.1 F (-25.6 C)
> Windchill -31 F (-35 C)
> Dew Point -23.1 F (-30.6 C)
> Relative Humidity 62%
> Pressure (altimeter) 30.61 in. Hg (1036 hPa)
> ==================================
> Don't let Barb fool ya! She's right about the clothing and it does
> keep the riff raff out. But that 100 feet from the front door to the
> bus stop is a killer even if you're dressed like Nanook of the North!
> Your nose hairs freeze and if your teeth are sensitive to the cold you
> don't dare open your mouth. I walked to the clinic (4 blocks)
> yesterday (wind chill -20) and damn near died!
> Lynn in Fargo
> (remember the movie?)
You have my sympathy. I don't mind winter, but our winter temperatures
are usually in the 20-30 F range. Last night it got down near 0. Back
in 1976 I went out to Winnipeg to look for work. I got off the plane to
discover that it was -40 F or C. It's the same. Most people out there
told me it didn't usually get that cold until later in the winter. It
didn't matter to me. If it ever got down to -40 it was too cold a place
for me to live.
People also told me that it's not bad if you dressed for it. I pointed
out that there was no one outside. People around here dress for the
cold and go outside. Out there thy get bundled up to run to the car.