OT ping Barb et al
Lynn from Fargo wrote:
>> I confess that I like the snow. It makes winter bearable. I find it much
>> more comfortable to be outside if there is snow on the ground than to
>> have the same cold weather without the snow. It is bright and cheery. I
>> don't think that I could tolerate a long, cold winter without snow. I
>> suppose it wouldn't take too much to convince me that a short, not so
>> cold winter might be better.
> How much of the white crap have you shoveled?
> :-)
I have certainly shovelled my share of snow over the years. I also
spent one winter working on a highway crew plowing snow. I have a large
driveway and parking area, but I have a snowblower now. That machine is
a great labour saver.
> Lynn in Fargo
> Snow so deep on the corners that folks put flags on their car antennas
> so you can see 'em when they inch c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y out into the
> intersection.
I have only seen it like that a few times.
I remember one snow storm when I was plowing snow on a night shift.
There was one intersection where there was always a lot of drifting.
There had been enough snow that we had to go out high winging....using
the wing plow in the raised position to push back the drifts. We had
come around the looped on ramp and leveled off the bank about 8 feet
high. The next time we went over that bridge to get the ramp on the
other side we looked down and saw the roof of a car behind that bank.
There was no one in it. I wonder how long it took the guy to find his car.