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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default OT ping Barb et al

> *"Dimitri" > wrote:
> > Holy Blowing Snow Batman;

> > Stay warm and safe.

> > Sounds like a good time to hibernate.

> > Dimitri

> Oh, pishtosh!! *It's gorgeous -- clear blue sky and bright sun. *There's
> no bad weather, only bad clothing choices. *It's to be near -20 in the
> morning. * We promote our bad weather ‹ it helps keep out the riff-raff. *
> '-) * Been a long time since we've had snow piled this high at the sides
> of the driveway, though. *St. Paul Winter Carnival starts next week. *


I agree all around - we had -40 wind chill this morning but I know
it's worse in Minnesota and the Dakotas; but it is clear, sunny and
the snow just sparkles. We don't have any dirty snow at all - too
cold to even melt on the city streets. ;-) I AM glad it's not
snowing, because I don't have real Arctic-type gear to be out with the
snow blower when it's this cold.

'Sides, meat keeps longer in the cold. ;-)

When I had the blower out Tuesday to clear drifts from my driveway, I
watched as a little first- or second-grader made his way home -
carefully walking in the deepest snow he could find on the parking
area (didn't ever touch the cleared sidewalks) - and then proceeded to
climb up and down every single "mountain" by all the houses'
driveways. I was out in the car about 20 minutes later, and he had
managed to make it only 4 blocks from school...I wonder what his mom
thought about where he was, 40 minutes after school let out ....;-)
