OT ping Barb et al
On Jan 14, 7:38*pm, Lynn from Fargo > wrote:
> On Jan 14, 6:48*pm, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
> > Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> > > About once a year we'll get a really beautiful snow. Then the rest of
> > > winter is just blah and cold. We're about to get nailed tomorrow with
> > > another arctic blast.
> > I confess that I like the snow. It makes winter bearable. I find it much
> > more comfortable to be outside if there is snow on the ground than to
> > have the same cold weather without the snow. It is bright and cheery. *I
> > don't think that I could tolerate a long, cold winter without snow. I
> > suppose it wouldn't take too much to convince me that a short, not so
> > cold winter might be better.
> How much of the white crap have you shoveled?
> :-)
> Lynn in Fargo
> Snow so deep on the corners that folks put flags on their car antennas
> so you can see 'em when they inch c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y *out into the
> intersection.
Nothing to match yours, I know - this last week we've had about 13
inches or so; I don't know about total to date. Our driveway
"mountains" are only about 4-5 feet high, average.