Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Christine replied to Goomba:
>>> Back to my lovely paring knife- I have never seen one for sale here
>>> in the US with this great inwardly curved blade. I bought this in
>>> Germany years ago and it "sits" in my hand just perfectly to slice
>>> with.
>> I have seen them at various places, and in fact had a set with a
>> knife like that. I have since lost it, and am now searching for
>> another set. I think I found mine at Williams-Sonoma years ago.
>> I forget what kind of blade that one is called though.
> Do you mean a bird's beak knife?
Sounded like it to me. I got a set of 3 Wusthoff parers from
somewhere, years ago. I have no idea where the bird's beak
on disappeared to.
I just saw the set recently in some cook's catalog for about