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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Bout them cornbread sticks. Failed.

Gloria P wrote:
> John Kane wrote:
>> May be a language difference: Mom was from Michigan. Her jonny cake
>> was baked in a 11 inch square baking pan so it may have been corn
>> bread.

> Interesting. We lived in Rhode Island for 13 years and
> jonny/johnny/journey cake was a popular local treat.
> RI jonny cake originated with the local native American
> tribes (mostly Narragansetts.)

Did they originate that nasty local beer up there? It was surely named
after them "Narragansett." LOL
> It was cooked on a griddle or skillet and shaped like a
> pancake but with the gritty ground corn texture. There
> were a few grist mills in the area and the big controversy
> was flint corn vs. dent corn. I never did learn the difference,
> but enjoyed jonny cake many times.
> gloria p

Flint corn is the original old Indian corn Gloria, stuff will dry hard
as a rock. AFAIK all jonny cake is fried, not baked. I used to like it
with some pure cane syrup poured over it with a dab of butter in the middle.