Pilot in Command of the swimming jet CV Also LOVES cooking :)
Talk about having the right pilot in the LH seat when needed
Copy of his CV
Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, III
e-mail: xxxxx
Ph: xxxx Fax: xxxxx
Executive Safety/Reliability Management Professional
Bottom-line driven manager supported by progressively responsible
experience across 40+ years in the aviation industry. Possess in-
depth understanding of aviation operations acquired through real-world
flight experience, professional training and leadership roles with one
of world’s leading airlines. History of achievement in safety,
innovation, crew training, operational improvement, cost savings,
productivity improvement and customer service; proven ability to
maximize crew performance and flight safety. Combine strong industry
knowledge and business leadership skills to consistently manage
complex scheduling, lead high-performance, motivated teams and
implement efficient processes that ensure smooth operations and
quality customer service. Strong communicator, effective negotiator
and motivational team builder; able to effectively communicate needs
and merge disparate teams in the support of market objectives.
Respected for wide range of industry knowledge, solid sense of
integrity and demonstrated passion for industry as a whole as
evidenced by lifelong career of flying.
Industry Expertise: Piloting Procedures, Techniques &
Standardization; Crew Resource Management/ Operations; Technical
Safety Strategies (NASA Aviation Research Consultant); Customer
Service; Policies & Procedures Development; Operations Improvement;
Emergency Management.
Rated: Airline Transport Pilot; Airplane Single and Multi-Engine Land;
Commercial Privileges Glider; A320, B737, DC-9/MD-80, Learjet. 19,000
Certificated Flight Instructor (Airplane Single and Multi-Engine,
Glider, Instrument Airplane); Flight Engineer (Turbojet Powered);
Ground Instructor (Advanced and Instrument).
Management Qualifications: Quality Control, Staff Training &
Development, Systems Implementation, Inventory Management, IT Needs
Assessment, Customer Service, Relationship Building, Productivity
Improvement, Budgeting & Expense Reports, Vendor Negotiations.
Executive Career Highlights
USAIRWAYS 1980 to Present
Pilot – Captain on Airbus A319/320/321
Overview: Direct activities of pilot and flight attendant crew
during both domestic and international flights (U.S., Canada, Latin
America and Caribbean). Oversee all planning, directing and verifying
all aspects of preparation for flight, including aircraft maintenance,
servicing, loading, catering and passenger boarding. Brief crew on
safety and security procedures and flight profile, ensuring all
factors are currently and remain favorable for flight, while making
sure all FAA and company procedures/polices are adhered to. Act as
Pilot-in-Command, In-flight Security Coordinator and final authority
on all issues relating to safety of flight.
Key Achievements & Contributions
* Served as Check Airman, supervising and instructing other
airline pilots upgrading from First Officer to Captain and to
different aircraft. Recognized as one of best Check Airman/Line
* Spearheaded efforts to improve maintenance efforts of MD-80
fleet, focusing on reliability of air conditioning systems. Helped
identify and reduce number of faulty air conditioning systems from 24
to zero on fleet. Received formal commendation from MD-80 Fleet
Manager for work on this project.
* Instrumental in delivering better, more competitive passenger
service by presenting and receiving approval for suggestion to apply
for and receive lower-than-standard takeoff minima in Canada.
* Realized operational safety and efficiency improvements by
providing numerous suggestions that improved company gate charts that
pilots use taxiing to/from airport gates.
* Enhanced situational awareness and safety by incorporating entry/
exit taxiways on airport charts used by pilots to transition from gate
areas to runways, working closely with airline vendor that provides
pilot charts.
* Improved efficiency and reliability of air service in National
Airspace System. Identified hundreds of FAA Instrument Landing System
procedures used by all operators to land at airports that utilized
incorrect visibility minima and collaborated with chart vendor to
correct them.
Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, III
Page Two
* Selected as airline pilot representative to work with vendor
that provides Flight Management System (FMS) for several of airline’s
aircraft to improve software and hardware that positively impacted
operational safety and efficiency of airline operations. FMS
improvements led to savings in both time and money (1% savings in fuel
* Driving force behind development of airline’s first CRM course
and presenting course to hundreds of USAirways pilots. Significantly
reduced number of operational incidents and realized reduction in
number of altitude deviations. Course focuses on multi-disciplinary
approach involving leadership, communication, decision-making and
error management – airline went from 5 major accidents to zero.
* Served as NASA Aviation Safety Research Consultant evaluating
cockpit systems for reducing runway incursions. Co-authored published
technical paper on crew decision-making errors in aviation working
with NASA Ames researchers which provided blueprint for safer pilot
training, procedures and standardization.
* Instrumental in guiding all aviation groups to adopt safer, more
uniform standard with respect to departure procedures that ultimately
was incorporated into new FAA standard for all operators.
* Teamed with SFO to adopt new airport taxiway signage that met
latest FAA standards while improving safety and operational
* Played integral role working with ATA, FAA, NATCA and NTSB to
improve operations and investigate several major airline accidents. As
member of ALPA National Noise Abatement Committee, directly involved
in development of FAA Advisory Circular 91-53 which set new standard
for aircraft noise abatement departure procedures industry-wide and
improved safety and standardization.
* Key contributor/member of National Transportation Safety Board
Survival Factors Group during investigation of major airline accident
at LAX, leading to improved airline procedures and training for
emergency evacuations of aircraft.
* Participated in joint FAA/ALPA All-Weather Flying Committee
simulator study of Head-Up-Display (HUD) symbology effectiveness
during low visibility landings.
* Widely recognized as pilot advocate and champion of high
professional standards that consistently result in safer, smoother and
more efficient flights. Employ leadership-by-example approach in the
facilitation of CRM courses, teaching captains to be more effective
leaders and make better decisions.
U.S. AIR FORCE 1973 to 1980
F-4 Pilot
Overview: Flight Leader and Training Officer with experience in
Europe, Pacific and at Nellis AFB, serving as Blue Force Mission
Commander in Red Flag Exercises.
Educational Achievements & Professional Development
B.S., Psychology – United States Air Force Academy, Colorado
M.S., Industrial Psychology – Purdue University, West Lafayette,
M.A., Public Administration – University of Northern Colorado,
Greeley, Colorado
Member, Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
o Served as ALPA Local Air Safety Chairman, Member of ALPA
Noise Abatement Committee, ALPA representative during negotiations
leading to adoption of Advisory Circular 91-53, Aircraft Noise
Abatement Departure Procedures.
Safety/Reliability Consultant and Speaker on two panels at HRO 2007
(High Reliability Organization) International Conference in
Deauville, France: “Flying Right, Low and High Reliability in Air
Transportation Systems” and “A Comparison of Field Experience in HRO
Implementation: Aviation, Aerospace and Medicine”.
President & CEO, Safety Reliability Methods, Inc. Expert in applying
safety and reliability methods in a variety of fields.
Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, Center for
Catastrophic Risk Management