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Default Pilot in Command of the swimming jet CV Also LOVES cooking :)

On Jan 15, 9:28*pm, Pits09 > wrote:
> Talk about having the right pilot in the LH seat *when needed
> Copy of his CV
> Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, III
> e-mail: xxxxx
> Ph: xxxx * * * *Fax: xxxxx
> Executive Safety/Reliability Management Professional
> Bottom-line driven manager supported by progressively responsible
> experience across 40+ years in the aviation industry. *Possess in-
> depth understanding of aviation operations acquired through real-world
> flight experience, professional training and leadership roles with one
> of world’s leading airlines. History of achievement in safety,
> innovation, crew training, operational improvement, cost savings,
> productivity improvement and customer service; proven ability to
> maximize crew performance and flight safety. Combine strong industry
> knowledge and business leadership skills to consistently manage
> complex scheduling, lead high-performance, motivated teams and
> implement efficient processes that ensure smooth operations and
> quality customer service. Strong communicator, effective negotiator
> and motivational team builder; able to effectively communicate needs
> and merge disparate teams in the support of market objectives.
> Respected for wide range of industry knowledge, solid sense of
> integrity and demonstrated passion for industry as a whole as
> evidenced by lifelong career of flying.
> Industry Expertise: *Piloting Procedures, Techniques &
> Standardization; Crew Resource Management/ Operations; Technical
> Safety Strategies (NASA Aviation Research Consultant); Customer
> Service; Policies & Procedures Development; Operations Improvement;
> Emergency Management.
> Rated: Airline Transport Pilot; Airplane Single and Multi-Engine Land;
> Commercial Privileges Glider; A320, B737, DC-9/MD-80, Learjet. 19,000
> hours.
> Certificated Flight Instructor (Airplane Single and Multi-Engine,
> Glider, Instrument Airplane); Flight Engineer (Turbojet Powered);
> Ground Instructor (Advanced and Instrument).
> Management Qualifications: Quality Control, Staff Training &
> Development, Systems Implementation, Inventory Management, IT Needs
> Assessment, Customer Service, Relationship Building, Productivity
> Improvement, Budgeting & Expense Reports, Vendor Negotiations.
> Executive Career Highlights
> USAIRWAYS * * * * * 1980 to Present
> Pilot – Captain on Airbus A319/320/321
> Overview: * Direct activities of pilot and flight attendant crew
> during both domestic and international flights (U.S., Canada, Latin
> America and Caribbean). Oversee all planning, directing and verifying
> all aspects of preparation for flight, including aircraft maintenance,
> servicing, loading, catering and passenger boarding. Brief crew on
> safety and security procedures and flight profile, ensuring all
> factors are currently and remain favorable for flight, while making
> sure all FAA and company procedures/polices are adhered to. Act as
> Pilot-in-Command, In-flight Security Coordinator and final authority
> on all issues relating to safety of flight.
> Key Achievements & Contributions
> * * * Served as Check Airman, supervising and instructing other
> airline pilots upgrading from First Officer to Captain and to
> different aircraft. Recognized as one of best Check Airman/Line
> Instructors.
> * * * Spearheaded efforts to improve maintenance efforts of MD-80
> fleet, focusing on reliability of air conditioning systems. Helped
> identify and reduce number of faulty air conditioning systems from 24
> to zero on fleet. Received formal commendation from MD-80 Fleet
> Manager for work on this project.
> * * * Instrumental in delivering better, more competitive passenger
> service by presenting and receiving approval for suggestion to apply
> for and receive lower-than-standard takeoff minima in Canada.
> * * * Realized operational safety and efficiency improvements by
> providing numerous suggestions that improved company gate charts that
> pilots use taxiing to/from airport gates.
> * * * Enhanced situational awareness and safety by incorporating entry/
> exit taxiways on airport charts used by pilots to transition from gate
> areas to runways, working closely with airline vendor that provides
> pilot charts.
> * * * Improved efficiency and reliability of air service in National
> Airspace System. Identified hundreds of FAA Instrument Landing System
> procedures used by all operators to land at airports that utilized
> incorrect visibility minima and collaborated with chart vendor to
> correct them.
> Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, III
> Page Two
> * * * Selected as airline pilot representative to work with vendor
> that provides Flight Management System (FMS) for several of airline’s
> aircraft to improve software and hardware that positively impacted
> operational safety and efficiency of airline operations. FMS
> improvements led to savings in both time and money (1% savings in fuel
> costs).
> * * * Driving force behind development of airline’s first CRM course
> and presenting course to hundreds of USAirways pilots. *Significantly
> reduced number of operational incidents and realized reduction in
> number of altitude deviations. Course focuses on multi-disciplinary
> approach involving leadership, communication, decision-making and
> error management – airline went from 5 major accidents to zero.
> * * * Served as NASA Aviation Safety Research Consultant evaluating
> cockpit systems for reducing runway incursions. Co-authored published
> technical paper on crew decision-making errors in aviation working
> with NASA Ames researchers which provided blueprint for safer pilot
> training, procedures and standardization.
> * * * Instrumental in guiding all aviation groups to adopt safer, more
> uniform standard with respect to departure procedures that ultimately
> was incorporated into new FAA standard for all operators.
> * * * Teamed with SFO to adopt new airport taxiway signage that met
> latest FAA standards while improving safety and operational
> efficiency.
> * * * Played integral role working with ATA, FAA, NATCA and NTSB to
> improve operations and investigate several major airline accidents. As
> member of ALPA National Noise Abatement Committee, directly involved
> in development of FAA Advisory Circular 91-53 which set new standard
> for aircraft noise abatement departure procedures industry-wide and
> improved safety and standardization.
> * * * Key contributor/member of National Transportation Safety Board
> Survival Factors Group during investigation of major airline accident
> at LAX, leading to improved airline procedures and training for
> emergency evacuations of aircraft.
> * * * Participated in joint FAA/ALPA All-Weather Flying Committee
> simulator study of Head-Up-Display (HUD) symbology effectiveness
> during low visibility landings.
> * * * Widely recognized as pilot advocate and champion of high
> professional standards that consistently result in safer, smoother and
> more efficient flights. Employ leadership-by-example approach in the
> facilitation of CRM courses, teaching captains to be more effective
> leaders and make better decisions.
> U.S. AIR FORCE * * * * * * * *1973 to 1980
> F-4 Pilot
> Overview: Flight Leader and Training Officer with experience in
> Europe, Pacific and at Nellis AFB, serving as Blue Force Mission
> Commander in Red Flag Exercises.
> Educational Achievements & Professional Development
> B.S., Psychology – United States Air Force Academy, Colorado
> M.S., Industrial Psychology – Purdue University, West Lafayette,
> Indiana
> M.A., Public Administration – University of Northern Colorado,
> Greeley, Colorado
> Member, Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
> * * * * * o Served as ALPA Local Air Safety Chairman, Member of ALPA
> Noise Abatement Committee, ALPA representative during negotiations
> leading to adoption of Advisory Circular 91-53, Aircraft Noise
> Abatement Departure Procedures.
> Safety/Reliability Consultant and Speaker on two panels at HRO 2007
> (High Reliability Organization) * * * * International Conference in
> Deauville, France: *“Flying Right, Low and High Reliability in Air
> Transportation Systems” and “A Comparison of Field Experience in HRO
> Implementation: *Aviation, Aerospace and Medicine”.
> President & CEO, Safety Reliability Methods, Inc. *Expert in applying
> safety and reliability methods in a variety of fields.
> Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, Center for
> Catastrophic Risk Management

This was really a good case of having the right guy on the Job,
wasn'r it?
I was pleased to see he was a vet. of the USAF!!
