Sushi rice ideas
cshenk wrote on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:33:09 -0500:
>>>> "sushinoku".
> BTW, I have some of this. Kidlit wants me to make her some
> hand-sushi balls tonight.
> Somehow I misplaced the rice mat on moving here.
>> IMHO, the miso soup that I have made using Ajinomotu's Hon
>> Dashi (dried bonito stock base) is as good as that served in my
>> favorite, and acknowledged good, Japanese restaurant. I do
>> use real miso since it keeps for ever!
>Same here. My miso is in the freezer but as you probably know, it
>doesnt actually 'freeze'. Stays soft enough to finger off however much
>we want.
Thanks for the tip; I did not know that but it keeps for months even in
the regular fridge. That's just as well as one container is usually
about 500g and costs $4 to $5.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: