Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> "Lass Chance_2" > wrote in message
> ...
> If you dont grow up on grits, chances are, you wont like them.
> My friend from NY said, "Look at them...just lying there, trying to BE
> potatoes!"
> For those of us who DID grow up on grits, tho, we hold them as a dear
> and faithful comfort food. There's nothing like walking off to school in
> the snow with your belly full of warm grits.
> Lass
> Grits to water?
> To those who haven't had the joy of the grits experience, it's hard to tell
> them the ratio of grits to water. You just know how much grits to add to
> the water you put in the pot........grits are a true comfort food that just
> IS, not trying to be potatoes, not trying to be oatmeal.......
> Also, proud to be a GRITS....(Girl Raised In The South)
> -ginny
Hehe, I'd forgotten about GRITS! A southern lass doesn't necessarily
have to have been raised in the South to be a GRITS - just has to have
the family upbringing
Sky, a GRITS too even if as a (former) military brat!
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice