PeterLucas wrote:
> "Jean B." > wrote in news:6tc2jjFaa7e9U1
>>>> LO Daging Masak Bali*, to which I had added green beans, and eggs.
>>>> Cafe au lait.
>>>> *This was a recipe I had made many times decades ago. Obviously,
>>>> I liked it. But making it a couple of days ago, I found it to be
>>>> unbalanced and salty. I think part of this may have been because
>>>> I was using other brands of soy sauce and sambal oelek. Anyhoo, I
>>>> figgered having it with eggs would tone down the saltiness a bit.
> (balinese%
>>> 20beef%20strips)
>> This does seem to be the recipe that has made its way around on
>> the net. It might be one of Rosemary Brissenden's.
> Don't know who Rosemary is, but at the bottom of the recipe it says,
> "Posted to FOODWINE Digest 08 Feb 97 by Jennifer Panek <panek@...> on
> Feb 8, 1997"
> But, that aside........ you have this for breakfast???!!
> I shouldn't be suprised though, when in Malaysia I was having Nasi Lemak
> Panas for breakfast, and sometimes lunch, just about everyday!!
I had a similar thing, leftover, for breakfast. Sure. I hate
breakfast food--esp. for breakfast.
Actually, this reflects a relatively new strategy. I used to
devote little time to my breakfast, since I was more focussed on
getting my daughter off to school. Then I realized it works
better to have one cup of coffee and my pills, deal with daughter,
then make myself a decent breakfast--which is usually so
substantial that there is no need for lunch.
Jean B.