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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Inauguration Lunch?

In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:

> Dan wrote:
> > I forget the numbers, but a significant percentage of the entire US
> > population will be physically present.

> Given that the population of the USA is about three hundred million, I very
> strongly doubt that even one percent of the population will be physically
> present.
> What percentage do you consider "significant"?

For "physically present", and the entire population of the US, I think
1% is really high. Since I wrote the above, I have read in many places
that it is estimated that 2 million people will be there. I have seen
no numbers for how many people will watch it live on tv or whatever, but
I would assume that would be much higher. And then there's the people
who will watch recorded clips.

I'm trying to get my head around this. That means that if somebody
knows 300 people at their work, statistics say that two of them are
traveling to Washington DC to see this thing. That just staggers me. I
was reading in the local paper that a bunch of people are going there
from Petaluma.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA