OT ping Barb et al
On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 16:33:42 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:
>On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:57:10 -0600, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> In article > ,
>> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
>>> Last night about midnight I was coming home. Although cold, the air was
>>> perfectly still and the most recent snow had covered everything with a
>>> frosty beauty. I looked up and a gauzy moon could be soon...everything was
>>> just beautiful. It was totally *quiet*, too, something that is welcome in
>>> this noisy Chicago neighborhood...
>>> Winter ain't for sissies but it sure can be loverly at times...
>> Chris was born in mid-December, 1969, and I recently found out that that
>> was the snowiest December we've had here until this past one. Some of
>> my most cherished memories are of those 2:00 a.m. feedings in the living
>> room on cold and snowy nights or cold and clear nights. I don't
>> remember what I'd sip but I'd listen to the mellow voice of Franklin
>> Hobbs and the smooth sounds he played on his overnight program, Hobbs'
>> House, on WCCO radio. <sigh, the good old days were good>.
>>> I like the change of the seasons, it makes life "interesting"...
>> Fact.
>i'd be just as pleased if fall turned into spring without the intervening
That would be perfect with one 2-3 inch snow per year. This year I
trashed my snowblower and had one of my bathrooms freeze up. First
time frozen in 20 years at this place. The supply and waste BOTH
froze even with a trickle running. While trying to thaw that out I
had to go out to the burbs where it was almost 30 below to take care
of another problem. I'm sooo done with winter. Now I have to see if
I can even find a snowblower to replace the dead one.
Louise made some wonderful sauce and were having a pizza and movie
night this evening.