Cookbooks from Amazon
On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 12:54:21 -0800 (PST), Darren wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I just wanted to share a recent experience I had with
> I haven't seen any mention of this here before.
> I only recently began shopping on Amazon, and so far, I love it.
> I started out using it because a frined of mine told me they carry a
> lot of rare and out of print music CD's.
> I later searched for cookbooks on the site and found a lot of real
> bargains.
> The real bargains are, of course, the used books. I was a little
> apprehensive about ordering them sight unseen, but the descriptions
> were accurate. All the books were in excellent condition, and I was
> very pleased with all the orders.If you are in a hurry, better to
> order the rush shipping, otherwise delivery can take a while, or not,
> depending on where it is shipped from.
> Here are a few items I ordered (please don't laugh!):
> "Cooking with Too Hot Tamales"-price: .96 cents
> "Justin Wilson's Homegrown Louisana Cooking"-price: $1.95
> "The Only Texas Cookbook"-price:$1.99 (paperback)
> "Texas Home Cooking"-price: $3.44
> "William Sonoma Collection: Roasting"-price: $3.95
> "Williams Sonoma Collection: Steak & Chop"-price: $4.95
> Of course I had to pay $3.99 per book for shipping, but that is still
> a huge savings over the regular cover price.
> I love cookbooks and it looks like Amazon will be my main source for
> them now.
> Anyone else have cookbook experience with them?
> Darren
i've gotten some used cookbooks and other books from them, and a few used
c.d.'s as well. they're usually in pretty good shape. amazon is also
pretty good if you need to return something.
your pal,