Stir fry practice, practice, practice!!!!!!
aem said...
> On Jan 18, 5:20*am, Andy > wrote:
>> Stir fry practice, practice, practice!!!!!!
>> We don't get to meet the chef but there is a series of various stirfry
> shes
>> that without dialog or ingredients, had me spellbound. The chef
> ted
>> exquisite wok and ladle skills in every dish, along with other food prep
>> techniques. A feast just to watch, imho!
>> If I learned one thing, I need a gas stove! And I learned alot more than
>> that, without a single spoken word.
> Interesting to watch, thanks for posting. Personally, I prefer the
> northern-style wok with the long handle that facilitates tossing, as
> opposed to the Cantonese-style wok shown with the two loop handles.
> The tossing action is quite fun, besides being effective. And if I
> use the ladle when stirfrying instead of the flatter spatula I often
> turn it upside down when stirring. I only watched the first video,
> maybe these are shown in others. One of the important lessons shown
> is that the wok was not overloaded at any point so the temp stayed
> high. Too often home cooks will put two times those quantities and
> then will get steamied/stewed results instead of fried. -aem
Glad you watched one. He only uses the ladle. A thing of beauty to watch.
The other thing I learned is I'll have to upgrade my exhaust vent system!!!