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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Default Barack Obama's Chili Recipe

blake murphy wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:40:48 -0700, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>> Jean B. wrote:
>>> As an offshoot of another thread, I thought I'd rather cook
>>> something that isn't glitzy, something that Obama enjoys. Turns
>>> out he is reported to like takeout from a pizzeria, shrimp and
>>> grits, and his own chili. His recipe is available at:
>>> This deviates from MY chili in a number of ways, but I might just
>>> do this on Tuesday. And why? Because I feel like celebrating in
>>> my own small way.
>>> --
>>> Jean B.

>> I always like to see other people's chili recipes. Unlike the Chili Cookoff
>> folks who have a set of rules and personal stringent guidlines, the rest of
>> us make chili the way we like it, the way Mom made it, in general the way it
>> was made where we grew up. Very little tomato in Obama's -- not sure I
>> would like it that way. But then my chili can vary by what is growing in
>> the garden and what is in the cupboard.
>> Janet

> it's more public relations than anything else. wingers would scream if he
> used exotic dried peppers or the like and call it further evidence he's
> some kind of 'elitist,' as if that's a sin.
> your pal,
> blake

Exactly; I've wondered for quite a while now why so many people think
there's something wrong with striving for excellence.