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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Barack Obama's Chili Recipe

On Jan 18, 12:40*pm, flitterbit > wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
> > On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:40:48 -0700, Janet Bostwick wrote:

> >> Jean B. wrote:
> >>> As an offshoot of another thread, I thought I'd rather cook
> >>> something that isn't glitzy, something that Obama enjoys. *Turns
> >>> out he is reported to like takeout from a pizzeria, shrimp and
> >>> grits, and his own chili. *His recipe is available at:

> >>>

> >>> This deviates from MY chili in a number of ways, but I might just
> >>> do this on Tuesday. *And why? *Because I feel like celebrating in
> >>> my own small way.
> >>> --
> >>> Jean B.
> >> I always like to see other people's chili recipes. *Unlike the Chili Cookoff
> >> folks who have a set of rules and personal stringent guidlines, the rest of
> >> us make chili the way we like it, the way Mom made it, in general the way it
> >> was made where we grew up. *Very little tomato in Obama's -- not sure I
> >> would like it that way. *But then my chili can vary by what is growing in
> >> the garden and what is in the cupboard.
> >> Janet

> > it's more public relations than anything else. *wingers would scream if he
> > used exotic dried peppers or the like and call it further evidence he's
> > some kind of 'elitist,' as if that's a sin.

> > your pal,
> > blake

> *>
> *>
> Exactly; I've wondered for quite a while now why so many people think
> there's something wrong with striving for excellence.

There's nothing wrong with striving for excellence. However, it's my
belief that most folks like to eat the foods that they enjoyed when
they were growing up. Mr. Obama stated that he would like to go to
Zippy's or Rainbow Drive Inn when he was in Hawaii. I doubt this was a
public relations ploy or putting up a folksy front for the crowd. The
reality is that you can't get this food anywhere else in the world.
I'm sure that's true with most folks that have a taste for their foods
they had when they were growing up - you have to go home to get it.

OTOH, the foods you enjoyed as a kid has little to do with one's
striving for excellence even though they are plain and simple. I
remember going to the tiny Baskins-Robbins store on the corner of
Punahou and S. King street years ago that Barack Obama used to work
and remember a tall, enthusiastic black kid that stuck out like a sore
thumb. It would have been tough to believe that a black kid from
Hawaii could be president but that's where we stand today.

What you guys should remember is that Barack Obama is not really a
black guy - he's a hapa dude. Typically those folks will be able to
identify with the cultures of both parents but not really feel truly a
part of either. Of course, he also has much experience with the Asian
cultures too, having grown up in Hawaii. So it seems that the US has
picked as it's president it's first multi-cultural leader - this outta
get interesting.