Look out SLop, you got some competition! Big Kitchen With Food
>"Default User" > wrote:
>> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>>> Yes well, I find Ubiquitous amusing as well. I'm sure when your
>>> signature appears on his/her paycheck, they will comply with your
>>> request.
>> You're saying you think Ubi is multiple personalities, one male, one
>> female? United States of Ubiquituous?
>Not at all and you well know it. I don't know Ubi's gender, hence the
For future reference, the masculine gender is the default in the English
language, which is how it's properly used when the sex of the person or
persons in question is either unknown or irrelevant.
NB: Note the proper use of the words "gender" and "sex." (a peeve of
It is simply breathtaking to watch the glee and abandon with which
the liberal media and the Angry Left have been attempting to turn
our military victory in Iraq into a second Vietnam quagmire. Too bad
for them, it's failing.