James Silverton said...
> Omelet wrote on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 14:13:47 -0600:
>>> On 19-Jan-2009, Andy > wrote:
>> >> Andy <--- The "Can I have a fork" all thumbs guy
>> >> Voter #21
>>> I'm with you on the "Can I have a fork"; though, perhaps, I
>>> have fewer thumbs. I've just never understood the "charm" of
>>> chopsticks; sure, if I lived in a place and culture that had
>>> only chopsticks, I'm sure I'd use them competently. But, I
>>> have all kinds of better suited utensils available to me; why
>>> would I choose choose chopsticks instead of a fork or spoon.
>> Because they are fun. :-)
>> YMMV as always...
> Just to stoke things up again :-) It's easier to eat spaghetti with
> chopsticks than with a fork.
When I tried my first bowl of pho, if the waiter hadn't kindly offered me a
fork, I might've been there for a month of Sundays finishing the bowlful.
Therefore I can safely declare your claim FALSE.