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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default (2009-01-19) NS-RFC: Using chopsticks

ChattyCathy wrote:

I do very well with chopsticks but I don't enjoy eating with them so I
never use them except on the very rare occasions at Chinese
restaurants strictly as a form of disingenuous politeness when evryone
else I'm with opts to use them so I'm not made to feel like I'm being
the oddball, although many times I simply refuse to ruin my meal by
eating with what amounts to forceps... I'm a knife, fork, spoon, and
fingers person... I see no chopsticks on the rfc tee shirt/cookbook.
And most of the foods I prefer require a knife... and I don't like all
my food cut up into small bits by someone else (turns meat into
mystery meat), I don't view that as very sophisticated, that's how one
prepares food for infants and the senile.