OT sorta: Any RFC'ers on Facebook?
Dave Smith wrote:
> Kathleen wrote:
>> I've got a Facebook account or membership or whatever, but I use it
>> maybe once or twice a year to keep tabs on my kids. Keeps them
>> honest. I also keep an eye on their X-Box Live profiles and one or
>> two other social networking sites they use occasionally.
>> What weirds me out is the friend invites from customers, people I've
>> traded business correspondence with but have never met in person. I
>> get two or three a week and half the time I don't even recognize the
>> name - have to search my customer files to figure who this person is.
> My nephew recently told me about checking out a guy on Facebook. They
> were thinking of hiring him and were going to call and offer him the job
> but someone suggested they check him out on Facebook. His page was full
> of totally inappropriate stuff, so they didn't hire him.
Just so. That's why I keep track of my kids.