Thread: Proud
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William J. Wolfe
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Default Proud

(Jason in Dallas) wrote in message . com>..
> "Bologna," she replied. "You?"
> "Tomato and cheese, but I don't eat meat, so I can't trade with you."
> I still remember the look on her face. It was a mixture of puzzlement
> and contempt.

So you don't eat meat, but you eat cheese, made from milk obtained
from an animal. Now, when the cow becomes unproductive, where do you
suppose said cow goes? Hint: There are no retirement homes for old
dairy cows.

I bet you wear leather shoes, made from the skin of .. DEAD cows.

If you were a meat eater and insisted on only using meat from
organically farmed aninals you would be doing animals a great service.
By turning your back on farming methods you have dome nothing for
animal welfare.